搜索 解放军报

Chinese mainland warns Taiwan's DPP not to "play with fire"

来源:Xinhuanet 责任编辑:Li Wei
2024-06-13 00:00:20

BEIJING, June 12 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese mainland spokesperson on Wednesday issued a stern warning to Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities, cautioning that they should not "play with fire" by citing the "right to self-defense," as any reckless move will only hasten their own undoing.

Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, made the remarks while answering a question about a Taiwan official's recent statement that the island may respond to the actions of the People's Liberation Army by exercising "self-defense" or launching "counterattacks" under certain circumstances.

Noting that Taiwan is a part of China, Chen said the island does not have the "right to self-defense."

"The DPP's attempts to impose limits on our just actions to safeguard our national sovereignty and territorial integrity are entirely futile," he said.

The spokesperson also slammed the DPP's attempts to collude with external forces, as well as its attempts to deceive the people of Taiwan and mislead the international community by creating false narratives such as the need to counter the "mainland threat."

"Taiwan independence" separatism and external interference are the biggest sources of danger and instability in the Taiwan Strait, Chen said.