搜索 解放军报

China appreciates enlightened Japanese' courage to expose historical truth on Japanese bacteriological warfare

来源:Xinhuanet 责任编辑:Li Wei
2024-06-13 00:05:10

BEIJING, June 12 (Xinhua) -- Regarding the Japanese scholars' donation of historical materials on Japanese biological warfare in China, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said on Wednesday that the historical documents once again provide solid evidence that Japanese militarism committed bacteriological warfare crimes in China, and China appreciates the courage of enlightened Japanese to expose and confront the historical truth.

Spokesperson Lin Jian made the remarks at a regular press briefing when asked to comment on Japanese scholars' donations. Recently, two Japanese scholars donated a large amount of historical materials on Japanese bacteriological warfare to China and expressed their hope for friendship and peace between Japan and China.

Lin said that during the World War II, the Japanese invaders flagrantly violated international law and launched appalling bacteriological warfare against the Chinese people, conducting inhumane experiments on humans and committing heinous crimes against humanity.

The historical materials they donated again demonstrate the undeniable and irrefutable evidence that Japanese militarism launched bacteriological warfare in China, he added.

Lin said Japan should face up to and deeply reflect on its history of aggression by Japanese militarism, learn from history, and avoid repeating past mistakes.