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CCG spokesperson slams Philippines' illegal intrusion of Ren'ai Jiao

来源:China Military Online 责任编辑:Li Weichao
2024-06-17 21:08:34

BEIJING, Jun. 17 -- Gan Yu, spokesperson for China Coast Guard, made remarks on the illegal intrusion by Philippine vessels into the waters near China's Ren'ai Jiao on Monday and warned the Philippine side to stop its futile infringements and provocations.

According to the spokesperson, the Philippines broke its promise by sending a supply ship and two inflatable boats to illegally enter the waters adjacent to the Ren'ai Jiao of China's Nansha Islands on June 17, in an attempt to deliver supplies to its illegally "grounded" warship. What's worse, the Philippine supply ship deliberately and dangerously approached and collided with normally sailing Chinese vessels.

The spokesperson noted that China Coast Guard took control measures in accordance with the law, including issuing warnings, intercepting, boarding and conducting inspections, and forcibly driving them away, which were reasonable, lawful, professional and standardized.

"We once again sternly warn the Philippine side that all forms of infringements and provocationsare futile. The China Coast Guard will always stay on high alert and stand ready to resolutelysafeguard China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests," stressed the spokesperson.