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来源:国防部网 责任编辑:于海洋
2024-06-14 16:15:10


MND: The More Aggressive “Taiwan Independence” Separatists are, the Faster They will End up in Self-Destruction




Question: It’s reported that Lai Ching-te recently visited troops of the Hai Feng Shore-based Anti-ship Missile Group in eastern Taiwan, took pictures with Hsiung Feng III missile vehicle and said that land forces would be used to counter  PLA offenses from the sea. Head of Taiwan’s military authorities said that troops in Taiwan would “exercise the right to self-defense” in the event PLA assets enter Taiwan’s “12-nautical-mile airspace and territorial waters”. What’s your comment on this?


Zhang Xiaogang: Taiwan is part of China. How is it possible for Taiwan to have the so-called “right to self-defense”? The DPP authorities led by Lai Ching-te deliberately staged a political show to embolden itself, but such seemingly strong moves only reveal its inward weakness . The PLA remains a strong force that will take resolute countermeasures against any provocations pushing for “Taiwan independence”. The attempt of “Taiwan independence” separatist forces to resist the PLA is no different from moths flying into the fire. The more aggressive they are, the faster they will end up in self-destruction.