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Chinese medical peacekeepers to Lebanon help UNIFIL fight COVID-19


来源:China Military Online 责任编辑:Li Jiayao
2021-01-21 17:33:26

By Lei Yang


BEIRUT, Jan. 21 -- At the invitation of the military police unit of the Indonesian peacekeeping force, the Chinese peacekeeping medical contingent to Lebanon, under the unified deployment of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), dispatched a health and epidemic prevention team to the Indonesian camp for field investigations, and to provide medical service and COVID-19 prevention assistance on January 18, 2021.

贝鲁特1月19日电 --应印度尼西亚维和部队宪兵分队邀请,中国赴黎维和部队医疗分队在联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)的统一安排部署下,于18日派遣卫生防疫小组赴印尼营区实地调研,并开展医疗服务与防疫工作。

During the investigation, the two sides made in-depth exchanges on how to conduct real-time monitoring, diagnose and isolate cases, as well as how to track and isolate the close contacts.


This is the second time for the Chinese medical contingent to visit the Indonesian camp. Last time was on January 8 and they offered the Indonesian side a blood oximeter and a batch of medicines.


In last November, the Chinese medical contingent accepted from the UNIFIL the task of COVID-19 nucleic acid tests and interhospital transfers of severe patients. During the task, they have always adhered to science-based prevention and control measures, and been ready to provide assistance and share with others China's anti-pandemic experience.
