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American rules backed up by coercive diplomacy, arbitrary bullying


来源:China Military Online 责任编辑:Li Jiayao
2022-06-29 18:16:24


By Jun Sheng


Not long ago, the US Secretary of State Blinken delivered a speech on China policy that highlighted the so-called “China threats”, smeared China’s domestic and foreign policies, and once again accused it of “coercive diplomacy”. Yet this label is best pinned on the US itself.


In practicing its “coercive diplomacy”, the US leverages its superiority in the economic, military and other sectors to force other countries to meet its demands and change their way of action, all for the purpose of achieving its own strategic goals and maintaining its hegemony through improper means.


For many years, America has made no secret of its “coercive diplomacy”. In fact, it even takes pride in it, which is why it never hesitates to blatantly and arbitrarily bully other countries for its own interests, either through the threat of force or political isolation, economic sanction or technological blockade. Washington acclaimed its success in overthrowing the military regime of Haiti in 1994 as an example of American “coercive diplomacy”, and allocated about 30.3 billion U.S. dollar in the additional defense budget of 2003 for executing “coercive diplomacy”.


Being a master of “coercive diplomacy”, the US is not fastidious about who it coerces – whether it’s big or small, nearby or distant, a friend or a foe. The international community has suffered a great deal from it. The US has blockaded and sanctioned Cuba for more than half a century, and its sanctions on Iran have lasted more than 40 years. Countries like Venezuela and Syria are also victims of its long-term sanctions. At the same time, Washington doesn’t hesitate to stab its so-called allies, like the EU and Japan, in the back either – which is not uncommon. Sometimes beating about the bushes, sometimes cutting right to the chase, the US has at its disposal numerous tricks to force its allies to adjust their stance and serve America’s interests. Barbara Wesel, a commentator for Deutsche Welle, said European countries have to pay a high political price in order to keep up the alliance with the US.


With regard to international affairs, the US has consistently put domestic law above international law and abused illegal unilateral sanctions and long-term jurisdiction, while its attitude toward international rules is rather selective, only using those in its favor while discarding those that are not. To maintain its hegemony, the US has formed “cliques” for bloc politics, instigated hostility between regional groups, and forced other countries and international organizations to “pick sides”. From the EU-US Dialogue to the AUKUS trilateral security partnership, from the Quad mechanism to Five Eyes, the US is holding up all kinds of banners of “partnership” while what it’s doing is creating division, egging confrontation, and benefiting itself at others’ expense. Its sustained attack on regional cooperation architecture under the outdated Cold War mentality has seriously undermined regional prosperity and stability.


The US plays the same game of threat and extortion with international organizations, either tearing up treaties or backing out of the organizations to serve its political agenda. For a long time, it takes the podium of the UN as its private turf and uses it to pressure other UN members; it took issue with the WHO to shirk responsibility for losing control of the pandemic; it withdrew from WHO and stopped exporting vital materials when the world was at a critical juncture of the anti-virus war, seriously threatening global public health and security…


The international community has long realized who is coercing the whole world and destroying global peace and stability. The country that attempts to topple other countries and wreck up the world through coercion, sanction and bullying will end up hurting itself.