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China firmly opposes US's irresponsible remarks: Defense Spokesperson

来源:China Military Online 责任编辑:Huang Panyue
2023-03-16 19:28:43

BEIJING, Mar. 16 -- "China demands the United States to immediately stop making irresponsible remarks, spreading rumors and slanders about the Chinese military, and stop using the so-called "China threat" to sow discord among regional countries," said Senior Colonel Tan Kefei, a spokesperson for China's Ministry of National Defense (MND), on Thursday.

Tan made the remarks when asked by the media to comment on the report about the words given by Pentagon Press Secretary recently, who said that China had "harassed" the aircraft and vessels of many countries, and the US is committed to expanding bilateral and multilateral cooperation with its allies including the Philippines, Australia and Japan to keep international sea and air lanes unimpeded.

Tan said that China firmly opposes such erroneous remarks which are reckless and self-centered. The white paper China's National Defense in the New Era had clearly stated that China firmly upholds freedom of navigation and overflight by all countries in accordance with international law, and safeguards the security of sea lines of communication (SLOCs).

He pointed out that the Chinese military has been keeping its words with real actions, handling encounters with foreign militaries at sea and in air according to laws and regulations, and always acting as a staunch force in safeguarding world peace.

"It is noteworthy that on the issue of peace and security, the United States, relying on its military hegemony, has been frequently creating coercion, blockades and wars around the world, and wantonly drawing on gangsters to form small cliques and incite confrontation," Tan noted, adding that "the US has become the biggest threat to the world and regional peace and stability".

The Chinese military is willing to work with the armed forces of other countries in the world to earnestly implement the purposes and principles contained in the Charter of the United Nations, proactively perform international responsibilities and obligations, and contribute its own share to building a community with a shared future for mankind, Tan concluded.